In Harrisburg yesterday, the House State Government Committee kicked off what will be a series of hearings to examine potential changes to Pennsylvania’s election system, and immediately put Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar on the defensive. Boockvar said questioning the election is “anti-American” and her office later issued a statement calling for “an end to lies about the 2020 election,” and the ranking Democrat on the committee, Representative Margo Davidson, said the hearings are “a waste of time.”
Republicans on the committee attacked the state’s lack of county-to-county consistency and Boockvar’s seemingly contradictory guidance to solve conflicts. She said expanded mail-in voting, lack of poll worker training, new voting systems, the pandemic, and lawsuits helped lead to confusion about the election.
The next hearing is scheduled for next Thursday, with discussion focused on the statewide voter registration system and information technology issues.