A Houtzdale man who assaulted a state trooper was sentenced in Clearfield County Court Monday.
According to GANT News, police were called to a Coalport residence on June 28th for a complaint of a man named “Lance” being in a Main Street Apartment. Police found the man and informed him there has been a trespass complaint. The man gave the police his ID, which identified him as 37-year-old Lance Henico, who then reportedly took an aggressive posture and resisted subsequent arrest. While Henico was being questioned at the police station, a trooper reported that Henico ripped his name tag off his chest and intentionally stabbed him in the hand with the prongs.
Henico pleaded guilty Monday to aggravated assault, resisting arrest, and possession of drug paraphernalia. It was noted that for this crime Henico was also facing a sentence for violating his state parole. The judge said he was satisfied with a county sentence in these circumstances. He also noted Henico has been in the county jail since the end of June.
Henico was then sentenced to nine months to two years less one day in the county jail, along with one-year consecutive probation.