A former tenant who was evicted from an apartment building in Clarion Borough is behind bars after reportedly admitting to setting fire to the building.
According to ExploreClarion.com, 32-year-old Randy Divelbiss of Clarion faces criminal charges that stem from the fire that occurred at an apartment building along South 8th Avenue Tuesday afternoon.
Authorities on the scene note that the source of the fire was a lit sterno which is a type of alcohol sold in a can that’s often used for buffet heating. The sterno was reportedly placed at the top step of the hallway which then caught the step, carpet, and wall on fire.
Police say a witness had seen Divelbiss with sternos and reportedly heard Divelbiss say he was going to burn the building down.
Police were able to locate Divelbiss and upon further interview he reportedly admitted to purchasing the sterno, lighting it, and leaving it on the top step at the apartment building.
He was lodged in Clarion County Jail in lieu of cash bail.
State Police are investigating a hit-and-run crash that occurred Sunday near Churchill Road in Montgomery Township of Indiana County.
Troopers say a vehicle ran off Route 286 and sheared a utility pole.
Police say the vehicle was driven from the scene before they arrived.
State Police in Indiana are investigating a theft that occurred in South Mahoning Township of Indiana County that was reported Tuesday.
Troopers say a 70-year-old Home man reported that someone took $850 worth of tools from an unlocked tool box that had been with the victim’s vehicle along Beltz Road.
State Police of Troop A in Indiana recently reported their monthly statistics for February.
According to the report, Indiana-based troopers handled 1,559 incidents, with 120 criminal offenses reported, 119 offenses determined to be founded, 79 offenses cleared, and 93 criminal arrests.
State Police also investigated 77 crashes, none of which were fatal but 11 of which were hit-and-run, with 12 reported injuries, five determined to involved DUI and 16 DUI arrests.
The Pennsylvania Liquor Control Enforcement Office in Punxsutawney has released a stat report for the month of February.
According to the report, officers received 62 complaints, issued eight violation letters and 20 warning letters, and made two criminal arrests.
Officers in Punxsutawney enforce liquor laws at over 965 establishments licensed by the PA liquor control board in Jefferson, Clearfield, Indiana, and surround counties.
The report notes one establishment was cited in each of the following counties including Indiana, Elk, Clearfield, and Clarion while two establishments were cited in Butler County.