PennDOT announced Monday that in 2020, statewide traffic deaths increased to 1,129 from the record low of 1,059 in 2019. Last year was the second-lowest number of highway fatalities recorded and overall fatalities continue to trend downward.
Pennsylvania roadway deaths were up about 6 percent in 2020 despite a 20 percent reduction in traffic counts statewide last year when compared to 2019. This increase is in line with a recent report from the National Safety Council, showing preliminary data estimates national motor-vehicle deaths are up 8 percent.
While the overall number of highway deaths increased last year, decreases in fatalities were noted in crashes involving drivers aged 65 or older, head on/opposite direction side swipes, crashes involving distracted drivers, and pedestrian crashes.
Additionally, the year-to-year longer-term trends also continue to decrease. For example, compared to 2016, there were 59 fewer total traffic deaths, 86 fewer deaths in lane departure crashes, and 60 fewer fatalities involving unrestrained occupants in crashes.