There were two crashes in Punxsutawney over the weekend, both involving utility poles.
According to the Punxsutawney Spirit, the first crash occurred on Saturday night at 11:37 pm, which knocked out electric service surrounding the Punxsutawney Plaza area.
Central and Elk Run Volunteer Fire Departments were called to the scene. Punxsutawney Borough Police went in pursuit of the hit and run vehicle.
The utility pole was severed in the accident. Power was not restored until 9 am on Sunday for affected residents.
Punxsutawney Borough Police are continuing their investigation of the hit and run with no details of the driver.
The other accident occurred early Saturday morning at 12:20 am when the Punxsutawney Fire Department was called
to the scene of another utility pole crash where the driver lost control of his car on Route 36 near the intersection with Pine Tree Road in the Fair View, Bell Township area, closing the road for nearly three hours.
Punxsutawney State Police responded to the crash, arrested the driver and are continuing their investigation.